Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Me?????

I was asked yesterday by a co-worker, "what have I done to deserve God's grace, favor, and blessings?" He continued on to ask "why do I have more than enough, and there are people all over suffering from starvation, poverty, and lack?" He continued to tell of all he had done wrong in his life, he told of some of the bad decisions he had made. He then went on to give thanks to God for all the blessings.

I believe that God gives generously to all who can be depended upon to give generously to others. 2 Corinthians chapter 9 speaks of reaping a harvest in porportion to what you sow. Or, in simplier terms, you get back in proportion to what you give. This applies in all areas of life, if you need more time, give of your own time. I am in awe to hear people say, "well, I just don't have time for anything." But, they seldom miss survivor, biggest loser, the bachelor, or their favorite soap opera. If you need finances, give finances. It amazes me also to hear people making 50, 60, 70, or even 80 thousand dollars a year talk about not having enough money.

I am a firm believer that if you put God first, He will bless ALL you do. I have seen people make $30,000 dollars a year, and always have more than enough, because they make sure their tithes to God come out first.

God WILL bless you but, to whom much is given, much is also required. If you are asking for blessings today, be ready to give some away. You don't want to interrupt the flow. If you hang on to all your blessings, they will stop coming due to a "pipe" that has become clogged, and is not flowing out anymore.

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