Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day

Today is the dreaded (for most people), 15th of April. That means, if you haven't sent in your previous years tax return, you have until midnight. We as Christians are commanded to be good servants/citizens. We were told by Jesus to "pay Cesar what belongs to Cesar".

In this case, the disciples were asking if they should pay taxes. Jesus asked whose picture was on the coin/money of their time. They replied, Cesar. Jesus then said, Well, give to Cesar, what is Cesar's and give to God what is God's. It is easy to see that our money belongs to the United States of America. It is plasterd all over it.

But, what is God's? Well, I would submit that "WE" are God's. We are to present ourselves, our lives, our bodies, our stuff, our homes, our cars, our talents, our abilities to God as a living sacrifice. Everything we are and have, we are to present to God as a "sacrifice". That means we are to give up our desires and allow His desires for us to be realized.

Ask Him today to "live through you". That means that He is in control, and you are just a willing vessel. Hold on, and get ready for the ride of your life.

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