Friday, January 16, 2009

Religion or Relationship

We all have our very own understanding of what "religion" should look like. Some may say, well "you can't have long hair, you can't wear shorts or hats, you can't smoke, drink, or cuss". Other may say "you have to do "service" at least two times a week, you have to give ten percent, and you can't eat pork".

I know some of these are silly, and I am just using them to prove a point. Sometimes, even in our times of fasting, we get caught up in rules (religion), and forget all about the relationship. Relationship is a noun derived from the verb meaning to relate with, or to involve yourself with. Relationships are not places for monologues, but rather conversations. They are not places for self-centeredness, but rather places for servanthood.

I challenge myself today to focus on my relationship with the creator of the universe. I have to remember that most "religious rules" are not found in the Bible. God created us to fellowship with Him always. Jesus can't be just a line item on our list of priorities, that is not what He wants. Instead, we have to put Jesus in the center of everything we do. He wants to walk through life with us.

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