Monday, January 19, 2009

Die to Live

On Friday night, I heard a song written and performed by Louis Drapp. The title was Die to Live. The song talked about when we choose to follow God's ways, we have to "die" to our old ways of life. When we make a stand for God, we are suddenly in the spot light. Our friends, families, and co-workers all start watching the way we live our lives.

In Matthew 10:39, Jesus tell us "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it". We are told in this passage that God has to be our number one priority. When we are so arrogant as to say that we have found "life" outside of God, we will ultimately lose it. But, when we are willing to "lose" the life we have grown accustomed to so that we can follow God, that is when we actually find what life is really about.

I vow today to put God's ways first in my life. That means the old person has gone, and the new person is on his way, constantly being transformed by God.

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