Thursday, January 15, 2009


Independence, it's what we all so ignorantly seek. We think "well, if I can just get that job, or that house, or that car." We think that will make us able to fend off any ill-situations that may arise in the future. Men seek indepence, or self actualization more than women. This can be explained in the garden of Eden. Eve was cursed that man would be her desire, therefore, women are naturally better at relationships.

Consider this, in your mind, where do you spend the majority of your time? Past, Present, or Future? Most of us spend the majority of our time eith re-living horrible incidents from the past such as deaths of loved ones, or terrible relationships with loved ones. If not the past, we are always trying to make plans for the future. We might prepare for economic hardships, loss of jobs, some may even consider divorce before they are even married. HOWEVER, we were created to dwell in the present.

Independence is NOT our goal. We should strive to be DEPENDENT on God. We have to let go, and let God speak to us and guide our steps. How arrogant will we become before we completely surrender to Him? Surrender is the word of the year for the youth at the Landing Community Church. That means to willingly "give up" trying to guide our own lives, and to allow God's plan for our lives to unfold.

The main key to this is a relationship with Him. If we aren't familiar with Him, we won't know when he is guiding us. He desires a relationship with us just as He had with Adam in the garden. He said if we seek, we will find Him.

We should not attempt independence, but rather to live a life in DEPENDENCE on Him.

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