Monday, February 16, 2009

Me and My Big Mouth

I want to start this week with a disclaimer. I may often times sound like I am preaching. That is my intention, however, I want to make sure everyone knows I am preaching to myself.

I heard a small clip from Joyce Meyer, it was really the right Word for me at the right time. Here is my interpretation.

Words are containers, inside the containers are powers. The words we speak can be either creative or destructive. Consider the first chapter of Genesis, everything God created, was created by His spoken Word. Relationships can be enhanced or even destroyed by the words we speak. The Bible tells us that when two or more agree, we get what we agree upon. The devil wants nothing more than to see destruction in our lives, therefore, he is in agreement when we say hurtful things to our loved ones, or when we say harmful things about ourselves. You see, the devil understands the power of Words. His work is made easy when we agree with him.

Do you ever wonder why you are in the situation you are in? Most often we "speak" ourselves into the situations we are in. Words have power, it is important the monitor closely what we say. When we tell ourselves we are ugly, or worthless, or over-weight, or poor, or whatever; the devil agrees. That starts the seed time/harvest principle into motion. We sow seeds with the words we speak, the devil agrees with the destructive seeds, and boom, here comes the harvest.

From now on, I promise to be careful with the words I speak. I apologize for the destructive, hurtful words that I have let slip. I hope I can be forgiven by those I have hurt. I challenge you to take inventory of those words you speak. Make sure they line up with what God says about you, so you can be in agreement with His promises.

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