Friday, February 13, 2009

Gracious and Merciful Love

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. It is the day that has been set aside (by retailers I think) to express our love for those close to us. I wonder what it would be like if we could all learn to love every day of the year. We are told in the bible that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed and the new has come. You might say, "well, I just can't express my love, I was never taught how. I would challenge you to attempt to experience the "unfailing" love of God. God's unfailing love in mentioned over and over in the book of Psalms. It is not until we experience it, and know how it feels that we can actually show that kind of love to someone else.

I truly believe that the world would be a different place if we could understand the grace and mercy freely given to us by God. Grace is defined as the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. While mercy is defined as an act of kindness, compassion, or favor.

So, it looks to me as though God expects nothing return, but offers the undeserved favor and love, shown with acts of kindness, compassion, and even His favor. I hope I can offer this kind of love in my life. As a husband, I am supposed to treat my wife as Christ treats the church, with grace and mercy. I am deciding to day to ask myself "how would Christ respond?" when I get moody and angry.

Love with grace and mercy just as God loves you.

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