Friday, February 27, 2009

Can we lose it?????

In Galations chapter 3, Paul is teaching on Faith.

He says that our attempts at righteousness are futile. If we think we can get into eternity by the "good deeds" we do, we are sadly mistaken. The Bible is clear in that there is only one way to eternity with God. That is through the Son, Jesus Christ.

The realization that we must come to is "we can't be good enough to get it on our own, and we can't be bad enough to lose it. His grace is more awesome than we can know or imagine. The closest we can come to understanding it is by comparing it to the love we have for our own children. There is nothing they can do to stop us from loving them.

I challenge you today to step out in Faith. Trust God when He says "I am near", "I will never leave or forsake you", and even when He says "I love you". It's as easy as ABC, Admit your sins, Beleive in your heart that Christ paid the price for those sins, and Confess with your mouth He is Lord. I think that involve surrendering your life to Him (Let Go of The Wheel).

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