Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sowing and Reaping

I've been thinking alot lately about this biblical principle. In genesis, God established that a seed would reproduce after its own kind. Why want I understand this? If I need a financial blessing, I shouldn't think that "i can't afford to give money, so ill just volunteer". That's not how God designed it. He said, "whoever sows sparingly, will reap sparingly".
Also, I've wondered.... why are certain things happening to me? Well, in case you have forgotten, every action has an equal or opposite reaction.... what goes around comes around. He said "sow to the flesh, you will reap destruction..... sow to the spirit reap eternal life. You may ask... "what's the flesh?". It is the worldly sinful nature that we as Christians have to die to daily. It's greed, lust, jealously, deviousness(lying), anger, and anything else that is contrary to the fruits of the spirit.
We have to give what we want to receive. Want friends? Be a friend. Want someone's time? Give of your own time. Want a financial blessing? Be a financial blessing. Do you realize that the only area that God encouraged us to test Him in, is in the area of finances (Malachi).
It doesn't make sense, but to get, we have to give!

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