Friday, December 19, 2008

Why do churches fail?

Why do Churches Fail and Close their doors?

A little church in the country, many years ago wondered why they were struggling so bad. The board of directors was deciding to stay in existence, or close their doors. They ultimately decided to ask a successful business man in the congregation to assist with the books. He accepted upon a couple of conditions. First, he would control the books for one year, and second, no question asked. The Board agreed, but insisted on a report at the end of one year. The year passed, and no one knew the financial condition of the church until the report came in.

Financial Report after year on: Mortgage on Property: paid off. Consumer Loan on Church Van: paid off. Amount of cash in bank: $10,000.

The Board was astounded, and asked how can this be? We have been around for many years, and always just barely made it. The business man replied, well, we live in a farming community. The majority of the congregation are farmers. I own the mill, where everyone sells his grain. I took it upon myself to gather the first 10% of everyone’s crop, as his or her tithe to the Lord. God promised us that if we honor Him with our tithes, He will supply all our needs.

In Malachi, we are told to test God and see if he don't throw open the windows of heaven and pour out more blessing than we can receive. I was amazed one day when thinking about what my family "needed". I thought and thought about how I could earn more income to provide for our "needs". Something took me to my garage, maybe I needed a trash bag, I don't remember. As I opened the door into the garage, the "junk" was nearly overwhelming. I suddenly realized that what I thought we needed, was actually just "stuff" that maybe we wanted. God said that he would meet our needs, and he has.

Now, about the blessings being so numerous that we are unable to contain them....... We have to understand that it is similar to a liquid pipeline. We have to keep the liquid (blessings) moving to get new ones. That is, we have to be a blessing to others with the blessings from God to get new and more blessings. The bible says that he is careless with a little, will also be careless with much. It also says that to those much is given, much is also required.

Let's all try to keep our blessing pipeline open by going out of our way to bless others.

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