Thursday, January 29, 2009

When fiaith and fear collide...

We all have fears. Some fear driving, some fear aloneness, some fear failure. Statistically, Americans fear public speaking more than death itself. That means at a funeral, most people would rather be in the casket than up front reading the eulogy. However, we are told in the Word, over and over and over and over and over to "fear not". It reminds me of the popular t-shirts from the nineties "No Fear".

We are also told that we are all dealt a measure (an amount) of faith. When we allow our faith in God to occupy the space where fear formerly resided, we are able to fulfill the purpose God has for us. Consider Peter, when Jesus asked him to come out of the boat and walk on water, he was afraid. Jesus told him to "fear not". When Peter's Faith moved into the house where Fear had lived, he walked with Jesus. However, when he began to doubt of fear, he began to sink.

What are you afraid of toaday? Ask God to come into fear's house and clean it out and move faith in. We are told that our faith can grow. We must remember and believe what God has said about us. He says we are more than conquerers, we are above and not below, the head and not the tail. He says we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Let's move forward in faith, and leave fear behind.

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