Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sacrifice, What????

I thought the days of sacrifice were over? Yet, I read in Romans 12 that we are to continually present our bodies, our lives, everything we do as "living sacrifices". Yeah, that's right, the things we say, the things we look at, the things we think about, and even the things we do. I think that covers mind, soul, body, and strength.

Our minds are even supposed to be transformed, so that we will know and approve (accept) God's will for our lives. I challenge you to attempt to consider this daily. We should be seeking to "please God", rather than praying "ohh please God, I need.....".

What does sacrifice mean to you? Could it be sacrificing one's wants to meet the needs of a spouse or family? Could it be sacrificing that double cheeseburger to make sure that you honor the "temple of the Living God" (your body)? Could it be sacrificing time watching and thinking about whatever "trash" comes in your email box today?

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