Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Key to the Secret......

Yesterday, we thought about the secret to life. I submitted that the Secret might just be in the "Greatest Commandment" given by Jesus, to love God first, and your neighbor second. He said that all of the Old Testament of the Bible could be summed up in that.

HOWEVER, if we aren't sure of the steps to take, we could "know" this, without ever experiencing it. So, I will give some encouraging words that will help in walking in His Commandments.

First, we are told to seek God's Kingdom and His Righteousness. That means that no matter what we do, whether it is yard work, cleaning the house, raising your children, hanging out with friends..... Whatever we do, we should do it to glorify the Lord.

Second, we are told to "love our neighbor as ourself". How often have we passed someone that we knew was in need. We are blessed with the talents, abilities and money that we have SO THAT we can be a blessing to others. This is an important concept. If you are praying for blessings, you have to plant a seed, and be a blessing.

Basically I see the key to the secret as RELATIONSHIPS. First our relationship with our heavenly Father. We should start the day praising Him and thanking Him. We should acknowledge Him all day long.

Secondly, our relationships with our neighbors. Which, anyone who crosses your path is your neighbor. The Bible tells us that to have friends, we have to show ourself as friendly. We have to also get to the point where we realize that we DON'T have a right to be offended. Jesus was treated horrible, yet He forgave those who beat Him, spat upon Him, and hung Him on a stake to die.

Cultivate good, deep, godly realtionships today. If you have people in your life or past, that you are harboring unforgiveness over, go and mend it. It may never be the same, but seek thier forgiveness, and give forgiveness to them.

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