Monday, June 15, 2009

Are you a Vessel?????

What is a vessel? According to, a vessel is a hollow or concave utensil, as a cup, bowl, pitcher, or vase, used for holding liquids or other contents. So think about it, we are told in the Word of God that we are the clay, and He is the potter. I wonder what kind of pottery He would choose to make us? I bet it would probably be concave, so that it could hold "stuff". That makes sense, if we could only understand that God is always trying to fill us with His love, so that when we are full, we can "splash" it out on the people around us. Think about a pond; if it doesn't continually have water coming into it, and flowing out of it, the pond becomes stagnant. That is probably how many of us are. We choose either to not accept God's Love, or rather, we choose not to allow it to flow out onto others.

I am reminded of a Garth Brooks song. "you know a dream is like a river, ever-changing as it goes; and the dreamer is just a vessel, that must follow where it goes". We are told in the Bible that our personal dreams are God breathed. He says that He knew what our life would hold before we were created, and that He is the one that formed us in our mother's womb. The Word also tells us that God wants us to have the desires of our hearts (our dreams). Therefore, if our dreams are actually God's dreams for us, and He wants us to have them; it is easy to see that it is a spiritual act to follow our dreams.

I encourage you to be a vessel today.... Allow God to pour into you, and then generously allow your gifts, talents, and treasures to be a blessing to EVERYONE around you.

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