Thursday, July 9, 2009

What you eatin????????

In Hebrews 5, we are told that it is okay to "eat" spiritual milk while we are young in our walk with God. BUT, there comes a time, just like with our babies, that we are weaned off the milk, and start eating solid food.
I have been thinking a lot lately about going deeper with God, becoming a more mature child of God. While thinking about this, I was led to consider a teen's maturity process. The Word says that Jesus grew in stature, wisdom, knowledge and favor during His teen years. That was right after he stayed in the temple as His parents started traveling back to Nazareth. So, back to the teenager, they grow in strength, stature, and independence. That says to me that we as believers, have to get off the milk, and GROW UP.

In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul wrote of giving a group of people "spiritual milk" because they were not ready for solid food. I desire to be ready for solid food, and I encourage you to desire the same. The next step is to break open the Bread of Life, which is the Word of God, which is the Bible.

So go, get it off the shelf, blow off the dust, and just allow the Spirit of God to teach and guide your understanding of the Promises therein.

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