Saturday, May 2, 2009

Are you Ready????

We have all used the excuse, "Well, I am just not ready yet". We have used it for not getting out of bed, not taking a new job, not re-locating, and many other times in our life. I would be willing to bet that we have even used it when we knew that God was asking us to do something. Isn't it funny that we think we know better than God? He asks something of us, and we have the nerve to say "not right now, I am not ready".

Here is a little secret, God doesn't always choose those who are prepared, He prepares those who He chooses.

So here's the deal, when we hear that still small voice telling us to step out in faith, we have to get moving. He knows what is best for us, all we have to do is move in the direction He has sent us. It is amazing what we can do when we allow His strength to become evident in our weakness.

As my pastor says, "Its time to get off your seat, and hit the streets". Allow God to be the captain of your ship (life).

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